Sunday, September 18, 2005

Michael Park 1966-2005

Väga kurb päev. Eesti parima rallisõitja Markko Märtini kaardilugeja, Michael Park hukkus, kui auto sõitis parempoolse küljega vastu puud.
Kaastunne Michaeli perele ja sõpradele, Markkole ja meeskonnale, rallimaailmale ja kõigile fännidele. we'll be missin' ya Beef R.I.P
It was the WRC's first fatality in 12 years. (viimati hukkus inimene WRC-s 12 aastat tagasi)
võetud mõned laused:
There will be never guy like Micheal. We took him like an estonian, he was one of us. The best co-driver everyone would loved.
Rest in Peace Michael, You will live on in our souls and hearts and we will always remember you. My deepest condolences to Michaels family.
My deepest sympathies to the relatives of Michael Park. And to all the rally fans, it's a terrible loss:(
it is difficult to say anything that would make any difference. therefore, i would like to pay my condolences to Michael Park's family, friends, the Peugeot team, and, of course, Markko Märtin.

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